of the domain names, website references
and network addresses that allow identifying websites containing information
circulation of which is forbidden in the Russian Federation

Разделы сайта

Decree #1101 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2012, Moscow

"On the Uniform Automated Information System of the Russian Internet Blacklist". Regulations on Establishing, Building, and Maintaining the Uniform Automated Information System of the Russian Internet Blacklist" PDF (rus)

Extracts from Federal Law #149-FZ dated July 27, 2006

"On Information, Information Technologies, and Information Protection" setting forth the procedure to establish, build, and maintain the Uniform Automated Information System of the Russian Internet Blacklist" PDF ; DOC

The procedure

for cooperation between the Blacklist Operator with the hosting provider PDFDOC

The owner of a website is a person who, determines (based on his/her own judgment) how to use the website, including the procedure for placing the information on this site.
The hostinging provider is a person providing services to provide computing power to place information in an information system connecting to the internet.

Hosting provider has to immediately inform the owner of served by hosting provider Internet web-site and notify him of necessity of removing web-site, which contains illegal in the territory of the Russian Federation information, after receipt of the notification.

Owner of Internet web-site has to immediately remove web-site page, which contains illegal in the territory of the Russian Federation information, after receipt of hosting provider notification of inclusion of domain name and (or) Internet web-site page links to the Unified register of prohibited information. In case of refusal or inaction of Internet web-site owner, hosting provider has to restrict access to this Internet web-site within 24 hours.

Unless the hosting provider and (or) the owner of the website take the above measures, the network address, that allows identifying the site on the Internet which contains information which dissemination is prohibited in the Russian Federation, is included in the unified registry.

The decision about registration of domain names,website references and network address for identifying sites containing information, which dissemination is prohibited in the Russian Federation, may be appealed by the website owner, the hosting provider, network operator and telecommunications service providers in court within three months from the date of the decision.

Registry Operator excludes Single register a domain name, the index pages in the network "Internet" or the network address used to identify a site in the "Internet", at the request of the owner of the site on the "Internet", hostinging provider or service provider who provides services to providing access to information and telecommunications network "Internet", no later than three days after such treatment measures to remove the information, the dissemination of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation, or on the basis of a court decision to cancel its listing on in the Single Register a domain name, the index pages in the network "Internet" or a network address, which allows to identify the site in the "Internet".


Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications' address to hostinging providers on quick coordination matters

An email addresszapret-info@rkn.gov.ru, has been created for receiving information from hosting and service providers
